Halal and Economics

There will come a time in the not too distant future where you can no longer eat out without eating halal. It is the economic wave of the future.

As the Muslim population grows around the world, so does the demand for halal. In a previous article, we pointed out the difficulty of purchasing non halal items in Canada.

McCormick/Clubhouse rep: Our product certifications and formulas are developed to provide the highest quality of product ingredients and processes. I am sorry if our product  offering does not meet your specific needs (n0n-halal. 

In another article, we did an in-depth study of halal in Canada, peoples perception of it and the prevalence of halal.

Studies have been done about the association of Halal certification and the funds being funneled to terrorist organizations in the past.

An article was posted in BFM business today (French) speaking about the recovery of the fast-food burger chain Quick. This chain was developed in Belgium, and after going through several transition periods, is now based in France. This chain was trying to break into the fast food sector, competing against giants like McDonalds. They were quite successful when they began in 1970.  They opened restaurants in France in the early 1980s, and subsequently flew under the French flag.

In 2012, the brand signed a partnership with the Association Rituelle de la Grande Mosquée de Lyon (Grand Mosque of Lyon) to certify the halal meat offered in restaurants.

“Halal represents 11 to 12 billion annual sales in France, four times more than organic,” insists Bernard Boutboul. Quick (burger chain) understood this and was able to find the winning formula to aim for new heights.

One after another, restaurants are getting their certification.  This is also the case for around 80 Quick restaurants.

The French restaurants  will be sold to an American fund which intends to increase the number of openings. Faced with competition from McDonald’s, the chain has successfully reoriented itself towards halal burgers.

As of right now, McDonalds does not offer halal, neither in the US nor in Canada. This will change in the near future, no doubt. It’s a matter of economics.


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