France – Suspect Arrested for Conspiring Terrorism Against Jewish Targets During Olympic Games

A young man, who lives in Île-de-France, was indicted for “terrorist criminal association in order to prepare crimes of harm to persons” and “acquisition and possession of weapons in connection with a terrorist company”, detailed the judicial source.

The two suspects communicated via social networks

This indictment came as part of a judicial investigation in which another individual, a minor, was indicted and placed in pre-trial detention on June 13. He is also domiciled in Île-de-France.

The two individuals, in contact via social networks, are accused of having considered committing a violent action, targeting, “in particular, Jewish targets,” added this judicial source. The investigations, which will continue in the context of judicial information, will aim in particular to clarify the nature of the project.

This boy corresponded with radicalized people on Telegram channels who planned to implement actions against Jews.

(…) “It was about carrying out attacks against Jews during the Olympic Games,” says a source close to the file. The police seized his computer equipment.

During the hearings, the suspect confessed explaining that they were fantasies and delusions during which he dreamed of being an Islam fighter on behalf of Palestine in the context of the conflict with Israel”. His criminal record is clean and he believes that he is not radicalized. (…)


Hate Propaganda? It’s Subjective

This past week, a truck has been spotted in Toronto depicting pro Hamas protests around Canada since October 7, 2023.

The sponsors of this truck are now under investigation for hate propaganda. 

The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) have taken it upon themselves to bring this to the attention of the Toronto Police force.

NCCM has been ‘advocating’ on behalf of Muslims for many years. We have written about them and their former CEO Mustafa Farooq in several articles. We have sent letters to the Toronto Police Force about concerns we have had with their former CEO regarding his views. He opined in a VICE news article about a Toronto police officer who was under investigation for supposed Islamophobic views. This is his quote.

“We are deeply troubled by the posts from the officer. It is not too much to demand that officers on the streets, with guns and badges, do not explicitly hold discriminatory or distasteful attitudes towards any group of people.”

He also revealed his vision about future Canada:

 “In terms of civic disobedience, while definitely important, we have to look more closely at the civis. How are we Muslims going to recreate Cordoba [Caliphate/ Islamic State] in Edmonton/Toronto/Montreal/any Canadian city? We have a massive task ahead of us, but I really believe that it is one at which we can succeed, one in which we erase these artificial “nation-state” identities, and move together to pursue Jannah [paradise].”

Mustafa Farooq is no longer CEO of NCCM, but to our knowledge, NCCM has never refuted his statements. 

Mr Farooq now works for Google Canada in Strategy and Operations.

We had sent Mr. Farouq a media inquiry on October 28, 2020 with a reminder on October 30, 2020, asking him about his controversial statements. He has never replied.

Dear Mr Mustafa Farooq, 


It has come to our attention that you have petitioned Premier Ford to distance himself from Canada Christian College and the administrator Mr Charles McVety.


In your media release, you called Mr McVety a “bigot” in regards to his disparaging statement about Islam and other minorities.


You yourself have also voiced controversial statements such as opposing alliances between Muslims and LGBTQ people and comparing them to those who commit major sins such as adulterers, producers of alcohol and businessmen charging interest. Here are the references to your own statements:


·         NCCM Mustafa Farooq’s statements critical of alliances with LGBTQ

·         Mustafa Farooq says NCCM aspires to live by ideals of Malcolm X [known for anti-Jewish statements] 


·         NCCM’s Mustafa Farooq: “How are we Muslims going to recreate Cordoba [Caliphate] in any Canadian city?”

·         NCCM’s Mustafa Farooq calls Christian street preachers “awful people”

·         NCCM’s Mustafa Farooq retweets: “Omar Khadr is a national hero who did nothing wrong”

·         NCCM’s Mustafa Farooq calls pro-mujahideen Imam “amazing Canadian,” “national treasure”


Does your definition of a “bigot” also applies to you based on your own controversial statements as well as to a long list of Canadian imams and scholars who voiced anti-LGBTQ positions (Abdullah Hakim Quick, Wael Shihab, Hacene Chebbani, Mazin AbdulAdhim, Jamal Badawi, Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, Shabir Ally and Jawed Anwar among others)?


Would you like to clarify your statements on LGBTQ and  other issues as documented in the above-mentioned articles?


Has NCCM ever celebrated the Pride month and/or taken part in any of its activities? 


Has NCCM ever held any joint initiatives with LGBTQ groups or individuals? If yes, please provide details. 


Does NCCM encourage imams to allow Muslim members of the LGBTQ community join the prayers as part of their congregations?


Please respond by Friday October 30, 2020, 11:00 am. 



Pegida Canada

Considering Farooq’s statements and the statements of Imams and activists in countless protests seen throughout Canada in the past months and indeed, years, should it really be considered hate propaganda what we see on that van? Isn’t it stating basic truths?

Additional documentation

Eid and Animal Abuse

This article comes out of France, but we have had similar issues in Canada. We reported on halal production (article below) in Canada several years ago.

At a halal abattoir near London, Ontario


As every year, the Muslim holiday of Eid gave rise to incidents related to animal abuse or livestock trafficking. Several police sources indicate to Valeurs actuelles that a note had also been transmitted upstream in some services to anticipate these incidents and know the codes of procedures to be associated. “This has been done for years,” says a police officer. (…)

This was the case, for example, in Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), at the Lilas departmental park. A local resident called the police around 2:30 p.m. to report two sheep who died on a road below his house. “They were all inflated, so they must have been dead for a while,” says the latter. “In my opinion, it must be a flight, or in any case traffic. They had to carry too many sheep, two died during the trip and they wanted to get rid of them.” No identification sign, although mandatory, was found on the two animals, which does not make it possible to know their origin. 

In Colombes (Haute-Seine), the police were called for two sheep tied by their legs in the courtyard of a pavilion. The applicant, whom Valeurs actuelles was able to contact and who wishes to remain scrupulously anonymous, for fear of reprisals, indicates that he heard the animals in the early morning (…)

According to information obtained from police sources, a man of the Muslim faith had bought these two sheep in an opaque way and placed them at his father’s house to slaughter them during Eid. The two animals stayed all night, especially in the rain, tied by their dough as shown in a photo we were able to get. These knots, excessively tight according to the police, did not allow normal blood circulation, so that the sheep were infirm at the time of their discovery. (…)

The inhabitants of the pavilion were not able to present a document on the origin of the two sheep. The man who acquired the sheep were not present on the scene. “He went to the mosque,” the same neighbor tells us, who tells us that the family arrived about twenty years ago. “The man arrived with three women, and a bunch of children who often played on the street, left to their own devices. For them, sheep, it’s normal, “says this neighbor. (…)

The department of Seine-Saint-Denis was also affected by the phenomenon. In Aubervilliers, in particular, a van carrying fifteen sheep carcasses was intercepted, reports a police source, with a photo in support. The sheep, which had not been killed in a slaughterhouse, were transported in defiance of the basic rules of hygiene. The van was transported to the pound. According to our information, the driver was placed in police custody for concealed work and non-compliance with health and veterinary protocols. “The meat was intended for a home of Malians,” says a police source. (…)

In Drancy, the show was no more appetizing. The municipal police came across a sheep corpse cut in the open air. (…)

In Pierrefitte sur Seine, a local resident also denounced a wild slaughterhouse, where the sheep were slaughtered on a table before being stored in plastic bags. (…)

Other facts also took place in the rest of the territory, of which we have not always been able to have the details. “During the Eid festival, some believers cut from right to left, without any hygiene rules,” says a police source with several decades of seniority. It’s a habit in Seine-Saint-Denis, we’ve been seeing this for years.” The mayor of Roman sur Isère, Marie Hélène Thoraval, published the photo of a sheep corpse found next to garbage dumpsters. “Disgusting and unacceptable,” she wrote, “religious traditions do not exempt from civic-mindedness and respect for the rules that should theoretically be imposed on everyone“.

Current values

74% of Muslims Voted Left-wing in Recent European Elections

This is a very interesting statistic out of Europe, concerning the recent elections.

The Muslim electorate, according to an Ifop poll published by the Catholic daily La Croix, confirmed its anchoring to the left in the European elections on June 9. Politician Haoues Seniguer explains what motivates, according to him, this choice.

Muslim voters voted 74% for left-wing candidates (LFI, PC, PS-Place publique, Les Ecologistes) during the European elections. However, there is a higher than average abstention rate, at 59%. How can it be analyzed?

This abstention should be looked at in the prism of the general context. The effectiveness of the electoral vote is increasingly questioned. Even when voting, many think that this has no direct consequences – regardless of any religious affiliation. In this perspective, the electoral vote would not induce social change or likely to have an impact on his or her personal life.

Among the decisive issues in their vote for this European election, 83% of Muslim voters cited the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, compared to only 25% of the entire population. The importance given to the war in Gaza may be one of the explanations for their majority choice for LFI, (hard-left La France insoumise) focused on this subject during the campaign.


Germany-Stabbing Attack by Afghan Results in His Death

The police were called to a single-family house in the cooperative road in Wolmirstedt (Saxony-Anhalt) on Friday evening around 9.30 p.m. A family had invited others to view a football match. Shortly after the start of the game, an unknown person appeared in the yard with a knife, immediately stabbed three of the football fans.

According to information from the police, the perpetrator was an Afghan (27). According to “Magdeburger Volksstimme”, he is said to have already threatened people with a knife in the garden opposite. Local residents called the police.

What the allotment gardeners did not suspect: The stranger, who ran through the plots, had attacked and killed a man (23), also from Afghanistan, with a knife just a few minutes earlier in his prefabricated apartment on the Street of German Unity.

After leaving the garden, the knife man apparently penetrated directly into the property on the cooperative path, stabbed the football fans indiscriminately. A man (75) and a woman (50) were seriously injured, another man (56) was slightly injured.

When the police arrived after a few minutes, the perpetrator also attacked the officers. “There was the use of firearms,” said a police spokeswoman to BILD on Saturday morning. The man died as a result.
