Hate Propaganda? It’s Subjective

This past week, a truck has been spotted in Toronto depicting pro Hamas protests around Canada since October 7, 2023.

The sponsors of this truck are now under investigation for hate propaganda. 

The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) have taken it upon themselves to bring this to the attention of the Toronto Police force.

NCCM has been ‘advocating’ on behalf of Muslims for many years. We have written about them and their former CEO Mustafa Farooq in several articles. We have sent letters to the Toronto Police Force about concerns we have had with their former CEO regarding his views. He opined in a VICE news article about a Toronto police officer who was under investigation for supposed Islamophobic views. This is his quote.

“We are deeply troubled by the posts from the officer. It is not too much to demand that officers on the streets, with guns and badges, do not explicitly hold discriminatory or distasteful attitudes towards any group of people.”

He also revealed his vision about future Canada:

 “In terms of civic disobedience, while definitely important, we have to look more closely at the civis. How are we Muslims going to recreate Cordoba [Caliphate/ Islamic State] in Edmonton/Toronto/Montreal/any Canadian city? We have a massive task ahead of us, but I really believe that it is one at which we can succeed, one in which we erase these artificial “nation-state” identities, and move together to pursue Jannah [paradise].”

Mustafa Farooq is no longer CEO of NCCM, but to our knowledge, NCCM has never refuted his statements. 

Mr Farooq now works for Google Canada in Strategy and Operations.

We had sent Mr. Farouq a media inquiry on October 28, 2020 with a reminder on October 30, 2020, asking him about his controversial statements. He has never replied.

Dear Mr Mustafa Farooq, 


It has come to our attention that you have petitioned Premier Ford to distance himself from Canada Christian College and the administrator Mr Charles McVety.


In your media release, you called Mr McVety a “bigot” in regards to his disparaging statement about Islam and other minorities.


You yourself have also voiced controversial statements such as opposing alliances between Muslims and LGBTQ people and comparing them to those who commit major sins such as adulterers, producers of alcohol and businessmen charging interest. Here are the references to your own statements:


·         NCCM Mustafa Farooq’s statements critical of alliances with LGBTQ https://news.acdemocracy.org/nccm-mustafa-farooqs-statements-critical-of-alliances-with-lgbtq/

·         Mustafa Farooq says NCCM aspires to live by ideals of Malcolm X [known for anti-Jewish statements] 

·         https://news.acdemocracy.org/mustafa-farooq-says-nccm-aspires-to-live-by-ideals-of-malcolm-x-known-for-anti-jewish-statements/

·         NCCM’s Mustafa Farooq: “How are we Muslims going to recreate Cordoba [Caliphate] in any Canadian city?” https://news.acdemocracy.org/nccms-mustafa-farooq-how-are-we-muslims-going-to-recreate-cordoba-caliphate-in-any-canadian-city/

·         NCCM’s Mustafa Farooq calls Christian street preachers “awful people” https://news.acdemocracy.org/nccms-mustafa-farooq-calls-christian-street-preachers-awful-people/

·         NCCM’s Mustafa Farooq retweets: “Omar Khadr is a national hero who did nothing wrong” https://news.acdemocracy.org/nccm-mustafa-farooq-retweets-omar-khadr-is-a-national-hero-who-did-nothing-wrong/

·         NCCM’s Mustafa Farooq calls pro-mujahideen Imam “amazing Canadian,” “national treasure” https://news.acdemocracy.org/nccms-mustafa-farooq-calls-pro-mujahideen-imam-amazing-canadian-national-treasure/


Does your definition of a “bigot” also applies to you based on your own controversial statements as well as to a long list of Canadian imams and scholars who voiced anti-LGBTQ positions (Abdullah Hakim Quick, Wael Shihab, Hacene Chebbani, Mazin AbdulAdhim, Jamal Badawi, Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, Shabir Ally and Jawed Anwar among others)?


Would you like to clarify your statements on LGBTQ and  other issues as documented in the above-mentioned articles?


Has NCCM ever celebrated the Pride month and/or taken part in any of its activities? 


Has NCCM ever held any joint initiatives with LGBTQ groups or individuals? If yes, please provide details. 


Does NCCM encourage imams to allow Muslim members of the LGBTQ community join the prayers as part of their congregations?


Please respond by Friday October 30, 2020, 11:00 am. 



Pegida Canada

Considering Farooq’s statements and the statements of Imams and activists in countless protests seen throughout Canada in the past months and indeed, years, should it really be considered hate propaganda what we see on that van? Isn’t it stating basic truths?

Additional documentation








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