Seven Additional Men Charged in Grooming Gang Case in the UK

Seven men were convicted of a series of disgusting sexual offences against children, after two teenage girls were exploited in Rotherham.

The victims, who were between 11 and 16 years old at the time of the events, in the early 2000s, were both placed in foster homes and were prepared with alcohol and cannabis before being raped or assaulted. The National Crime Agency says that their attackers often picked them up in the children’s homes where they lived at the time before assaulting them.

The jurors of the Sheffield Crown Court learned that the attacks took place in places in the Rotherham region, including in a park, in a car in a supermarket parking lot, in a cemetery and even at the back of a nursery. In one case, one of the girls was taken to a hotel where she was raped by two men. In another case, she was locked in the house of one of her attackers, raped at least twice and had to escape by climbing a window.

After a nine-week trial, Mohammed Amar, 42, of Elizabeth Way in Rotherham, was found guilty of two counts of indecent assault on a young girl, while Yasser Ajaibe, 39, of Walker Street, was convicted of indecent assault on a young girl. Mohammed Zameer, 49, of Richard Road, was convicted of a charge of rape and a charge of sexual relations with a girl under the age of 13.

Mohammed Siyab, 34, of Stevenson Drive, was convicted of sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13, on two counts of rape and trafficking in the United Kingdom for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Abid Saddiq, 43, formerly from Rotherham, was found guilty of a modest attack on a young girl, rape of a girl under the age of 13 and two counts of rape. Tahir Yasin, 38, of Burngreave Street in Sheffield, was found guilty of eight counts of rape.

Ramin Bari, 37, from Derby Street in Sheffield, was found guilty of four counts of rape.

Amar was found not guilty of an attack with modesty. Another accused, Omar Mahmood, 37, of Grosvenor Road in Rotherham, was found not guilty of two counts of rape.

Men will receive their sentence on September 12 and 13 of this year.[…]

Zoe Becker, legal officer of the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “These seven men knew that these young girls could be exploited: “These seven men knew that these young girls could be exploited – they targeted the victims and, using drugs and alcohol, prepared them for sex. The accused conducted a campaign of violence against the two girls, who had to suffer several times some of the most traumatic abuses.”[…]

Yorkshire Live

One thought on “Seven Additional Men Charged in Grooming Gang Case in the UK”

  1. On the way to a local Tim Horton’s in Toronto today I noticed that the person walking in front of me was wearing an odd custom designed, CAMO t-shirt with the number 7 on the back.


    From a distance I could see that he was brown-skinned, but I had to catch up and pass him to verify that he also had a bushy black beard.


    My guess is that this design will be far less popular by Oct 2024 than it is today.



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