Alarming Gain By The Netherlands DENK Party


Thanks to FDS

The Netherland held their federal elections today. The result was predictable to a certain degree, but also  alarming in other ways. 

Mark Rutte’s ‘centre right’ party once again claimed victory for a fourth term, but what is concerning is the party DENK.  Founded by Tunahan Kuzu and Selçuk Öztürk, two Turkish-Dutch members of the House of Representatives, after leaving the Labour Party on 13 November 2014.  Upon winning three seats at the 2017 election, DENK became the first migrant-founded party to gain seats in the Dutch national parliament.

Today, they collected 2.5% of the votes nationally and 10.5% of the votes in the city of Rotterdam.  

This is an Islamist party. Their methodology is reflective of the Muslim Brotherhood, infiltration through politics.

A few years ago, the Islamic party of Ontario made the news. Many scoffed at the concern people voiced, that it will come to nothing, nothing to worry about. With today’s election results in The Netherlands, it would be prudent to pay close attention what has happened there, what can easily happen here. 



Founder of IPO: ‘Nutters’ or Systematic?

Who are we to believe? The founder of the Islamic Party of Ontario, or the Quran?

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